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Protonų terapija diabetinei angioretinopatijai

Ključne reči: radiojodid, terapija, benigne bolesti, štitasta ţlezda, Grejvs, struma. Summary: Saul Hertz and Arthur Roberts performed first experiments on the thyroid gland of rabbits using radioisotope 128J in 1937, and in 1941 they applied radioiodine to a female patient with hyperthyroidism.

Diabetinė inkstų liga

Ischemic nephropathy due to bilateral renovascular disease (RVD) is increasingly recognized as cause of end-stage renal failure in the elderly, but a reliable non-invasive method of detection.

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REHABILITACIJA Naslov Autor Izdavač Godina Mesto Rehabilitacija Rask Savez društva defektologa 1971. VZŠSS,Beograd Rehabilitacija internih bolesnika Nikolić B. VMŠ 1979. VZŠSS,Beograd Principi rehabilitacije Zec Ž. VMŠ 1980. VZŠSS,Beograd Rehabilitation of Movement Pitt-Brooke et al. W:B:Saundres 1988. VZŠSS,Beograd.
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Savremena inzulinska terapija - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Savremena inzulinska terapija.
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In contrast the data concerning glucose control and macrovascular complications are more complex. In the context of relatively short clinical trials, more intensive glucose control has an overall neutral effect on cardiovascular events.
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